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Batavia Cemetery Association, a 501(c)13 not-for-profit organization, relies on the generosity of people who value this most beautiful historic site, which is not just a repository for history, but a destination for cultural heritage tourism, landscape, art, architecture and much more. Your donation will ensure that the buildings and grounds will be preserved and enhanced for the next generations, and the stories of those who rest inside the gates and their influence on Western New York, the nation and the world will be remembered.
Did you know that you can remember Historic Batavia Cemetery in your will or estate plan? You can make such a gift, or “bequest” to the Batavia Cemetery Association through your will or trust at the time of your passing in any number of ways, including a gift of cash, appreciated stock or property or through a beneficiary designation in a retirement account or life insurance policy.
A bequest is an extraordinary expression of your commitment to preserving a precious cultural asset, but one that costs you nothing during your lifetime. We encourage you to discuss options and the impact they may have on your estate and personal situation with your attorney and/or financial advisor.
If you would like to make a bequest to Batavia Cemetery, please contact Sharon Burkel, President of Batavia Cemetery, at 585-343-0248.
Tax deductible donations for the care of the cemetery are gratefully accepted and may be sent to:
Batavia Cemetery Association
22 Fisher Park
Batavia, NY 14020.
(585) 343-0248
New York State Cemetery Information and Disclosures
New York State Cemetery Information and Disclosures